Scala code to access documents in AWS S3 bucket
via http get and put requests
AWS S3 documents in a specific bucket can be via Rest APIs.
GET to retrieve documents and http
PUT to store documents.
Why Rest API?
- Rest is simple and straight forward.
- We can use any preferred http client library.
- No need to include additional Java dependencies into the project by adding AWS SDK.
- We can use http client library that is already present in the project dependencies.
Let's go Async
- Though we can use any java/scala http client, Let's use an async http client.
- I had used Scala Dispatch library to send requests.
Scala Code
In line comments for more explanations.
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.{ TimeZone, Date }
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
// case class to represent the AWS S3 http request
case class AwsS3Request(
url:String, // Request url
headers:Map[String,String], // Request Headers
requestBody:Option[String]) // Optional request body
object AwsS3 {
// AWS configuration
private val awsConfig = ConfigFactory.load("aws.conf")
private val s3Uri = awsConfig.getString("s3.uri")
private val s3bucket = awsConfig.getString("s3.bucket")
private val s3Key = awsConfig.getString("s3.key")
private val s3Secret = awsConfig.getString("s3.secret")
// Config used for signing the request
private val utf8 = "UTF-8"
private val hmacsha1 = "HMACSHA1"
private val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z")
// Create signingKey from s3Secret
private val signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(s3Secret.getBytes(utf8), hmacsha1)
// Creates required authorization header for http requests.
// Sign the input string using s3secret key.
private def auth(str2sign: String) = {
import javax.crypto.Mac
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
val mac = Mac.getInstance(hmacsha1)
val dataBytes = str2sign.getBytes(utf8)
val signature = mac.doFinal(dataBytes)
val sign = Base64.encodeBase64String(signature)
// Following string is used in the Authorization header.
s"AWS $s3Key:$sign"
// Creates AwsS3Request for retrieving document for the given path.
def get(path:String) = {
val date = sdf.format(new Date())
val authorization = auth(s"GET\n\n\n$date\n/$s3bucket/$path")
Map("Date" -> date, "Authorization" -> authorization),
// Creates AwsS3Request for storing given path and content
def put(path:String. content: String) = {
val date = sdf.format(new Date())
val authorization = auth(s"PUT\n\ntext/html\n$date\n/$s3bucket/$path")
Map("Date" -> date,
"Authorization" -> authorization,
"Content-Type" -> "text/html",
"Content-Length" -> content.length.toString),
Sample AWS configuration
Typesafe config is used for configuring the application.
Contents of the AWS config file aws.conf
is shown below.
s3 {
key : "9X8M6YC85BRUOXGJI1HE"
secret : "dGhlIHNlY3JldCB0aGF0IHlvdSBkb25gdCBrbm93IA=="
bucket : "bucket-name-here"
uri : ""${s3.bucket}
Make sure aws key and secret has only access to specified bucket.
It is a good practice to give only required permissions for aws access keys.
Async Http client
Following code snippets generates Dispatch Request for AwsS3Request object. package
import dispatch._, Defaults._
class AsyncHttpClient {
def getDispatchReq(request:AwsS3Request) = {
request.requestBody match {
case Some(content) => {
val req = url(request.url) <:< request.headers << content
case None => {
val req = url(request.url) <:< request.headers
Refer Dispatch Documentation to know more
about processing http request/response in Dispatch.
It should be fairly easy to use AwsS3Request
object and send http request using any http library.
Example Usage
Usage example shown below.
Processing the http request/response is not shown.
import{AwsS3, AsyncHttpClient}
val path = "path/to/store/the/content"
val content = "<html><body><h1>Hello HTML World!</h1></body></html>"
//Store an document into the given path.
val putRequest = AsyncHttpClient.getDispatchReq(AwsS3.put(path, content))
// TODO - send the http put request and process the response using Dispatch.
//Retrieve the document for the specified path.
val getRequest = AsyncHttpClient.getDispatchReq(AwsS3.get(path))
// TODO - send the http get request and process the response using Dispatch.
- While processing http response, please make sure to handle non
200 OK
response. - It will be wiser to use AWS SDK if you are using it already.
- Based on usage, you can use synchronous or asynchronous http client libraries.
- Still, It would be better to use async http client library to store or retrieve documents from s3 bucket.