Responsive exponential backoff in Go
using exponentially scaling up and down the sleep time

Rate Limiting

  • Often when we use various cloud services we end up seeing throttling or rate limiting from the service
  • Various cloud services are often shared across multiple tenants and rate limiting mechanisms are used to prevent one tenant consuming much more resources than allocated/provisioned limits

Client side throttling

  • In order to handle the service throttling, client needs to add a delay between subsequent calls
  • This can achieved via a linear back off or an exponential back off

Linear back off

  • Simplest approach is to start with a base sleep time and add sleep time for each failure
  • Say 1 secs as base sleep time. For every request that is failed due to rate limiting, we add another 1 seconds
  • So, it will go like this 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, ... and stops growing once request is successful


// for each failure we add interval to current delay
func sleepTime(currentDelay, interval, maxInterval int64) int64 {
    currentDelay += interval
    if currentDelay > maxInterval {
        currentDelay = maxInterval
    return currentDelay

Exponential back off

  • In this case, instead of increasing the sleep time by a constant time, it is multiplied by a factor
  • If this multiplication factor is 2 and initial sleep is 1 second
  • Then, it will grow exponentially as 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, ...
  • This will be the better than linear back off as it can get successful delay with less iterations


// for each failure we multiple the current delay by a multiplication factor
func sleepTime(currentDelay, initialDelay, maxInterval int64, multiplier float64) int64 {
    if currentDelay == 0 {
       return initialDelay
    currentDelay = int64(float64(currentDelay) * multiplier)
    if currentDelay > maxInterval {
        return maxInterval
    return currentDelay

Rate Limiting in DynamoDB

  • DynamoDB is a Fast, flexible NoSQL database service from AWS
  • DynamoDB provides two capacity modes for each table: on-demand and provisioned.
  • Irrespective of the capacity mode, DynamoDB will reject incoming write requests when it exceeds WCUs (Write Capacity Units)
  • I built this responsive exponential back off to handle this rate limiting
  • But, same can be used for handling rate limiting from any service
  • As part of a job, multiple workers are writing to the DynamoDB in parallel

Responsive Exponential back off

  • In addition to exponential back off, this one is responsive in nature
  • As we see more and more requests succeeding it will start decreasing the delay time
  • Down multiplier factor is used once down multiplier threshold is met. When we see N successful requests, down multiplier is applied
  • Additionally a RandomizationFactor is applied while scaling up and down.
  • Say RandomizationFactor=0.2, current delay is 1s and up multiplier 2, on next failure it can become (1 x 2) +/- 0.2 * (1 x 2) = 1.6 to 2.4
  • RandomizationFactor aids in getting slightly different new interval when applying multipliers


Following configurations are used for the sleeper.

type AutoSleeper struct {
  InitialInterval         time.Duration  // Used for sleeping first time
  MaxInterval             time.Duration  // Max interval for sleeping
  MaxRandomization        time.Duration  // Max randomization interval
  UpMultiplier            float64        // Multiplied for increasing the sleep time
  DownMultiplier          float64        // Multiplied for decreasing the sleep time
  RandomizationFactor     float64        // Randomize the new sleep value 
  DownMultiplierThreshold int            // Threshold for triggering sleep time reduction

Go Code


package main

import (

const (
  DefaultMaxInterval             = 15 * time.Minute
  DefaultInitialInterval         = 500 * time.Millisecond
  DefaultRandomizationFactor     = 0.3
  DefaultMaxRandomization        = 2 * time.Minute
  DefaultUpMultiplier            = 1.5
  DefaultDownMultiplier          = 0.9
  DefaultDownMultiplierThreshold = 10

func NewAutoSleeper() *AutoSleeper {
  return &AutoSleeper{
    MaxInterval:             DefaultMaxInterval,
    InitialInterval:         DefaultInitialInterval,
    RandomizationFactor:     DefaultRandomizationFactor,
    MaxRandomization:        DefaultMaxRandomization,
    UpMultiplier:            DefaultUpMultiplier,
    DownMultiplier:          DefaultDownMultiplier,
    DownMultiplierThreshold: DefaultDownMultiplierThreshold,

type AutoSleeperMetrics struct {
  TotalInvocation int
  TotalWentUp     int
  TotalWentDown   int
  TotalSlept      int
  TotalSleepTime  time.Duration

type AutoSleeper struct {
  InitialInterval         time.Duration
  MaxInterval             time.Duration
  MaxRandomization        time.Duration
  UpMultiplier            float64
  DownMultiplier          float64
  RandomizationFactor     float64
  DownMultiplierThreshold int

  metrics         AutoSleeperMetrics
  currentInterval time.Duration
  currentSuccess  int

func (s *AutoSleeper) GetMetrics() AutoSleeperMetrics {
  return s.metrics

func (s *AutoSleeper) SleepOnFailure() {
  s.metrics.TotalInvocation += 1

func (s *AutoSleeper) SleepOnSuccess() {
  s.metrics.TotalInvocation += 1
  if s.currentInterval == 0 {
  s.currentSuccess += 1
  if s.currentSuccess == s.DownMultiplierThreshold {
    s.currentSuccess = 0

func (s *AutoSleeper) sleep() {
  s.metrics.TotalSleepTime += s.currentInterval
  s.metrics.TotalSlept += 1

func (s *AutoSleeper) goDown() {
  s.metrics.TotalWentDown += 1
  interval := float64(s.currentInterval) * s.DownMultiplier
  random := getNextRandomInterval(interval, s.RandomizationFactor, float64(s.MaxRandomization))
  if random < float64(s.InitialInterval) {
    s.currentInterval = 0
  s.currentInterval = time.Duration(random)

func (s *AutoSleeper) goUp() {
  s.metrics.TotalWentUp += 1
  if s.currentInterval == 0 {
    s.currentInterval = s.InitialInterval
  interval := float64(s.currentInterval) * s.UpMultiplier
  random := getNextRandomInterval(interval, s.RandomizationFactor, float64(s.MaxRandomization))
  if random > float64(s.MaxInterval) {
    s.currentInterval = s.MaxInterval
  s.currentInterval = time.Duration(random)

func getNextRandomInterval(currentInterval, randomizationFactor, maxRandomization float64) float64 {
  if randomizationFactor == 0 {
    return currentInterval
  delta := randomizationFactor * currentInterval
  if delta > maxRandomization {
    delta = maxRandomization
  randomization := 2 * delta * rand.Float64()
  minInterval := currentInterval - delta
  return minInterval + randomization


s := NewAutoSleeper()
s.SleepOnFailure() // Uses up multiplier
s.SleepOnSuccess() // Uses down multiplier on N threshold

Graph of delay generated

For the following configuration,

InitialInterval = 1 millisecond
MaxInterval = 15 minutes
MaxRandomization = 2 minutes
UpMultiplier = 1.5
DownMultiplier = 0.6
RandomizationFactor = 0.0
DownMultiplierThreshold = 5

  • Y axis represents the delay time generated for each request
  • Responses succeeded are shown as blue and failed ones are shown in red
  • Initially, requests were failing till it reached 291.9 ms
  • Later point, delay of greater than 60 ms were succeeding
  • As shown in the graph, responsive exponential back off quickly generates suitable delay
  • It goes up and down as the requests were failing and suceeding respectively
  • Setting an appropriate value for DownMultiplierThreshold controls how frequently we want to reduce the delay
  • Setting an appropriate value for DownMultiplier controls how fast we want to reduce the delay
  • Setting an appropriate values for RandomizationFactor and MaxRandomization controls the noise introduced while scaling up/down

Usage of Responsive Exponential back off

  • In Auto scaling DynamoDB use case, DynamoDB will increase the capacity as it sees more load, but this will take time, not instantaneous
  • Each job is run by multiple workers. Workers count increase as the job started and decrease when individual tasks are completed
  • So this back off, initially increases the delay and tries to succeed
  • Once requests are succeeding, it will try to reduce the delay
  • This will be auto balancing as with the increase/decrease of workers as well as DynamoDB WCUs


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About Author

Sakthi Priyan H
Passionate Programmer

  • I am passionate about building excellent teams, processes and systems.
  • Primarily I use Java, Scala and Python for building various systems and tools.
  • Building API services, Big data processing and Machine Learning systems in Crayon Data.
  • Also, interested in Golang and building web apps using Javascript ecosystem.
  • I wrote my first program in BASIC in 1998, Passionate about computers since then.