Tags / code

Responsive exponential backoff in Go
using exponentially scaling up and down the sleep time

go exponential backoff sleep code cloud dynamodb

Building machine learning models
using scala spark

spark scala sbt bigdata code machine learning

Feature engineering for machine learning models
using scala spark

spark scala sbt bigdata code machine learning

Learning Scala Spark basics
using spark shell in local

spark scala shell learning bigdata code

Migrating from http to https
using lets encrypt, certbot and configuring Nginx

https code nginx cerbot letsencrypt

Powerbot connecting real world to twitter
via Raspberry Pi using GPIO pins

hardware iot python code circuit raspberry pi twitter

Creating Base64 UUID in Java
Alphanumeric unique id using base64 charset

uuid java code base64

Scala code to access documents in AWS S3 bucket
via http get and put requests

scala aws s3 http code dispatch

Auto refresh Chrome when files modified
Using python pyinotify and chrome debugging

chrome python webgen code

Salesforce Bulk API usage with an example
to show how to upsert records in batches.

salesforce integration code

Salesforce Rest API usage with an example
to show how to upsert records

salesforce integration code

Cricket score in command line
using python and open cricscore api

cricket code cricscore api python

Raspberry Pi 2 benchmarking
using sysbench and Java

raspberry pi benchmark java sysbench code fibonacci

Listing S3 Top level folders
using simple Python code.

aws s3 export code boto python

Efficiently using Enum in entity class
to improve code maintainability and database performance.

java code jpa database enum hibernate

Encryption and Decryption in Java
using a private key and AES algorithm.

java encryption decryption code aes

Lines of code inversely proportional to readability
Always code less to make it easily readable.

code java optimization code less

Testing Spring Application using JUnit
How to test a Spring Application using JUnit? Explained with example test class.

junit java spring testing code